The ``File'' menu

  ARCGSH    File    Configuration   Utilities   Options   
     Arc ... a          
     LHarc ... l          
     Shar ...          
     Tar ... t          
     Zoo ... z          
     Compress ... c          
     Uud ... u          
     Uue ...          
     Other program ... p          
     Show file ... s          
     Edit file ... e          
     Quit q          

The ``File'' menu is the one you will use to get the archivers to work. The meaning of the menu items is as follows:

``Arc ...'', ``LHarc ...'', ``Shar ...'', ``Tar ...'', ``Zoo ...'':
These are the names of the archivers Arcgsh supports. If you want to start one of them select it from the ``File'' menu. A archiver-specific dialog box will appear and you can select filenames, options, etc. Please refer to the individual descriptions in section [*] (page [*])!

``Compress ...'':
The program compress can be used to compress or decompress a single file. Usually compressed files have the letter Z as the last letter in their names. For details refer to section [*] (page [*]).

``Uud ...'', ``Uue ...'':
Binary files (e. g. archive files or programs) can usually not be transferred via electronic mail directly. They have to be ``uuencoded'' first, which can be achived with the program uue. It encodes a file in such a way that the encoded file consists of printable characters only, which will (hopefully) not be mangled by any mailers.

Uud on the other hand allows you to ``uudecode'' uuencoded files. It is most useful to decode files you have received via news or e-mail. A single uuencoded file usually has .UUE as its file name extension.

To uuencode resp. uudecode a file select one of the ``uud'' or ``uue'' menu entries. A dialog box will pop up which allows you to select the various parameters of uud resp. uue. For details refer to section [*] (page [*]).

``Other program ...'':
A dialog box will pop up and allows to select any other program you want to execute. It is also possible to give parameters to that program and also choose its working directory. For details refer to section [*] (page [*]).

``Show file ...'':
If you want to look at a file you can select this menu item. However, Arcgsh itself does not display the file but calls another program, the user-defined pager. You can use the pager program you like best. For details refer to section [*] (page [*]).

``Edit file ...'':
You can use this menu entry to edit a file. Arcgsh does not have a built-in editor but allows you to use your own favorite text editor. For details refer to section [*] (page [*]).

terminate Arcgsh.
